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Herndon Thursday Rides Levels 1 - 6

  • 07/19/2018
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • 750 Center St, Herndon, VA 20170: Parking Lot


Registration is closed

Review rides to determine your group choice. We need Ride Leaders; Register as a ride leader if you can please.

Current RBC members who have signed waivers are eligible to ride, as well as non-members who are riding with RBC for the first time. For first-timers (and members who haven't gotten around to it), go HERE to sign the waiver. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A CURRENT WAIVER ON FILE! Membership is $25 per year and covers everyone in your household. Join RBC or renew your RBC membership HERE.

If you are unsure about which ride level fits you best, please go to RIDE DESCRIPTIONS  for speed and description of that ride. And remember, if you're unsure, it's wiser to step down a level.

 Level  Route
 1 RBC-211A: (38.7)
 2 RBC-215E (34.0)
 3 RBC-231: (30.3)
 4 RBC-205A: (28.4)
 5 RBC-223: (25.1)
 6  RBC-286 (14.5)

Reston Bicycle Club 

 P.O. Box 3389  Reston, VA



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