The name of the organization shall be the Reston Bicycle Club, and it shall be headquartered in the greater Reston area.ARTICLE II, PURPOSE
The purpose of the Club shall be to organize and conduct bicycle activities for its members, and the greater Reston community, and to generally promote bicycling.
Section 1. Membership is open to individuals, families, and businesses, particularly in the greater Reston area, who desire to promote various Club purposes and bicycling in general.
Section 2. The types of membership available are:
a. Individual (adults, 18 and over).b. Family (includes individuals 17 and under).c. Businesses.Section 3. The signature of a parent or guardian is necessary for those members under the age of eighteen.
Section 4. Annual dues are payable in the membership anniversary month. The amount of the annual dues will be set by the Executive Committee In consultation with the membership at either the annual meeting or a special meeting.ARTICLE IV. MEETINGS
Section 1. The annual meeting and election of officers shall be held during the month of November.
Section 2. At any time, in the interval between annual meetings, special meetings of the members may also be called by the Executive Committee, or by the Chairperson. A special meeting of the membership may also be called within 30 days by the Executive Committee or Chairperson upon either being presented with a petition requesting such a meeting, and signed by 30% of the membership.
Section 3. At any meeting of the membership, the presence in person, or by proxy, of either 10% of the members or 20 members, whichever is lesser, shall constitute a quorum.ARTICLE V. OFFICERS AND SUBCOMMITTEES
Section 1. The affairs of the Club shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer, and four (4) additional members-at-large; all of the above shall be elected by the general membership. The Executive Committee shall have full authority to establish and sanction the programs, activities, and affiliations of the Club, as well as full authority to manage all other affairs of the Club including but not limited to authority to make or authorize expenditures, incur or authorize obligations, appoint agents, and transact such business as it deems advisable and in the best interest of the club.
Section 2. At each annual meeting of the membership, the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be elected to hold office for terms of one year or until their successors are elected and qualify. At the annual meeting when this section is adopted, four (4) Members-At-Large shall be elected. Two of these Members-At-Large shall be chosen by lot to serve one -year terms, while the other two shall serve two-year terms. Thereafter, at each annual meeting, two Members-At-Large shall be chosen to serve two-year terms of office or until their successors are elected and qualify.
Section 3. In the event that a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee between annual meetings, it may be filled by any candidate selected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Committee. Any member of the Executive Committee elected by this procedure shall serve only until the next annual meeting, at which time a special election shall be held to fill any time remaining in the term. Between annual meetings, it may be filled by any candidate selected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Committee. Any member of the Executive Committee elected by this procedure shall serve only until the next annual meeting, at which time a special election shall be held to fill any time remaining in the term.
Section 4. Committees, such as but not limited to Rides, Safety, Membership, Publicity, Newsletter, etc., may be established by the Executive Committee. The Chairperson may appoint all committee chairs, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. Committee Chairs may select their own committee members from the Club membership.
Section 5. The officers of the Club shall have the following duties:
Chairperson: Shall coordinate and supervise total Club program; preside at Club and Executive Committee meetings.Vice Chairperson: Shall serve as Chair in the absence of the Chairperson.Secretary: Shall take minutes at Club and Executive Committee meetings, issue minutes and general notices and announcements.Treasurer: Shall keep and prepare all Club financial records and transactions; prepare an annual budget.
ARTICLE VI. ELECTIONS (revised May 2020)
Section 1. Election results of Club officers and Members-At-Large shall be announced at the conclusion of the annual meeting. The election shall be by electronic ballot from a slate chosen either by a nominating committee or from nominations at an Executive Committee meeting prior to the annual meeting. Polling will be open seven days prior to the Annual Meeting and close one hour after the beginning of the meeting.
Section 2. At a regular meeting of the Executive Committee or Club, at least 30 days preceding the annual meeting, the Chairperson shall appoint a nominating committee to nominate the designated Club officers.
Section 3. For the purposes of these elections, an individual membership has one vote.
ARTICLE VII. FISCAL YEAR (revised Nov 1996)
The fiscal year of the Club shall commence on the first day of January and shall end on the last day of December of the succeeding calendar year.
The bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of all members of the Club present at any meeting of the Club, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing to the Club members at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the meeting.