Ramble away! Sign the 2025 Waiver!!! We'll try again to ride!
Ramble? What is? A leisurely tour with combination of roads and the W&OD exploring new places discovered during the pandemic and our old RBC routes.
No adventure here, just cruising Loudoun County's wide roads after we dodge the lawn care trucks on Seneca. Starting @ 10 am, we may make it to Silver Diner in time for coffee & a bagel. Please park in the back lot, kind of between Trader Joes & the Silver Diner.
The average speed of this ride is no more than 12 mph: leisurely. It is a good ride for retired, daytime free, new to cycling, happy people. Consider it a base miles ride.
Rides are not held when the forecast for rain is greater than 50% or temperature below 30o. Ride cancellations will be posted on Social Media.
We are paper-free, which means you can download the route from Ride with GPS and print it before you come, but we will not have paper cue sheets to distribute at the ride.
All riders must sign (or have already signed for 2025) a liability waiver. You can do that HERE. The first ride with us is free. We welcome you to join us on subsequent rides as a member. Membership is $30 per year and you can take care of that HERE.