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RBC - Bike Lane Weekly Women's Ride

  • 10/13/2020
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • The Bike Lane, 11150 Sunset Hills Rd., Reston, VA 20190
  • 3


  • Knows the route, leads or sweeps

Registration is closed


The following are the RBC COVID-19 guidelines for our ride. 

We are cautiously returning to riding as a group. This will only work with small groups and self-discipline. Please understand that these guidelines are FIRM. The Ride Leader has the authority to ask any person to leave who does not comply.

1. You must be on the registration list and you must be on time. We will leave promptly.

2. You must feel healthy (no COVID 19 type symptoms) DO NOT COME if you don't feel well.

3.  You must bring a face cover or mask to the ride and wear it correctly any time the wheels of your bike are not rolling. This means at the start, at the finish.

4.  You are not required to wear a face cover or mask while riding, but you may if you'd like to do so.

5.  While riding, we will social distance. This means allow people (other riders, people on the trails) room and do not pile up on each other when approaching a stop sign or light.

6.  Everyone will respect other riders' comfort levels. If someone says you're too close, just back away.

7.  There will be no debate, no politics, no judgment of anyone else's decisions. 

8.  If you do not want to comply with ALL of these guidelines, please do not register for the ride.

9.  Normal safety items -- you must have a red taillight. It is a good idea to have a white light on the front of your bike (angled down on slow pulse), but not required.

10. A note about passing: We pass ONLY on the left. We call our passes to the rider or pedestrian in front of us. We allow plenty of room (especially in these COVID times). 

This ride has always been particularly focused on including, uplifting, and encouraging women who are new to group riding. Thus, it is a no drop ride. This means you will not be left behind. We always have a sweep to stay with riders who have a mechanical issue or are struggling to keep up.

If you want a more competitive drop ride, and faster speeds, please consider the RBC Monday Night Green Lizard Womens' Ride.

We value every woman who wants to ride with us and work hard to find a place for each rider that works best for her. If we break into different groups, we'll need more ride leaders, so if you're one that wants to go a bit faster, ask us how to become a ride leader for that group.

Rides are not held when the forecast for rain is greater than 50%. Ride cancellations will be posted on Social Media. If you are not comfortable riding on the roads, please contact one of us before you register for the ride.

Here is the route:

We are paper-free, which means you can download the route from RidewithGPS and print it before you come, but we will not have paper cue sheets to distribute at the ride

If you drive to the ride start, please park as far away from the building as possible. There are other organizations/businesses in that building whose patrons need access. Thank you!

All riders must sign (or have already signed for 2020) a liability waiver. You can do that HERE. The first ride with us is free. We welcome you to join us on subsequent rides as a member. Membership is $25 per year and you can take care of that HERE.

Reston Bicycle Club 

 P.O. Box 3389  Reston, VA



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