Click HERE for Monday's route.
The following are the RBC COVID-19 guidelines for our ride.
We are cautiously returning to riding as a group. This will only work with small groups and self-discipline. Please understand that these guidelines are FIRM. The Ride Leader has the authority to ask any person to leave who does not comply.
1. You must be on the registration list and you must be on time. We will leave promptly.
2. You must feel healthy (no COVID 19 type symptoms) DO NOT COME if you don't feel well.
3. You must bring a face cover or mask to the ride and wear it correctly any time the wheels of your bike are not rolling. This means before we start and at the finish, unless you are immediately riding off when we finish.
4. You are not required to wear a face cover or mask while riding, but you may if you'd like to do so.
5. While riding, we will social distance. This means allow people (other riders, people on the trails) room and do not pile up on each other when approaching a stop sign or light.
6. Everyone will respect other riders' comfort levels. If you feel someone is too close to you, tell her to pass you. If you feel uncomfortable in the middle of the group, it's fine to hang in the back or take over the lead if you feel comfortable doing that (although we won't do rotating paceline drills this season.)
7. There will be no debate, no politics, no judgment of anyone else's decisions.
8. If you do not want to comply with ALL of these guidelines, please do not register for the ride.
9. Normal safety items -- you must have a red taillight. It is a good idea to have a white light on the front of your bike (angled down on slow pulse), but not required.
10. A note about passing: We pass ONLY on the left. We call our passes to the rider or pedestrian in front of us. We allow plenty of room (especially in these COVID times).
This will be our first 2020 season ride. We'll stay together as much as possible, and we expect riders to be able to maintain the usual average speed for this group (15-16 mph). We will continue to wait for riders who are unlucky with traffic light timing and fall behind, or who need extra time to get up a hill. Sunset is at 8:12pm. If you will be biking home after the ride, please remember to add lights to your bike. If you prefer a slower pace and a shorter ride, please join the Women's Ride from the Bike Lane in Reston, which is also a 6pm Monday ride.
Ride distances will vary with the amount of evening daylight. Rides are not held when the forecast for rain is greater than 50%. Ride cancellations will be posted on Social Media and registered riders will be emailed whenever possible. All rides will include a mixture of road and WOD riding.
If anyone would like to lead a faster group, or a second group at the 15-16mph pace, please let Lisa Mackem. know. If we have another ride leader, we can accommodate more riders. HOWEVER, since we are focused on small group rides right now, we can't accommodate more than 2 groups of 10 people in each group, including ride leaders, riders, and sweepers.