Start Time 9AM Drop Ride: A, B, and C riders are welcome. Several routes & distances are available - routes below. Most of the riders are @15-18MPH speeds. If you're slower or faster, join up, anyway, & challenge yourself and the rest of us for a while & ride on your own then. I'm a @17-20MPH rider, will swap with others to lead. All rides are drop/ tempo rides.
Participants on RBC rides are responsible to know the ride routes. Club members and first-time Non-Club members are welcome. Contact your Ride Leader Kevin Dybal (info below) with questions. All riders must sign (or have already signed for 2020) a liability waiver. You can do that HERE. The first ride with us is free. We welcome you to join us on subsequent rides as a member. Membership is $25 per year and you can take care of that HERE. Lots of benefits, socializing, impromptu rides, group rides and (my favorite!) FREE "RideWithGPS" software that offers turn-by-turn voice instructions for club rides on different devices and many routes created by RBC ride leaders.
RBC WEATHER GUIDELINES: Under 40F temps, in inclement weather, lightning or strong wind conditions, the official ride is canceled. I will attempt to update the status of the ride within 1 hour of the ride (depending on my schedule). **** This said, however,....... see below ****
MESSAGE FROM Ashburn Rides Leader Kevin Dybal - I normally take the earliest AM Saturday ride due to my haphazard schedule (check which ride Saturday or Sunday I am riding). Register for whatever ride, regardless & just go with it. Text with any questions @ 703-344-5252 (save my # for the future). If I can't make it I will cancel my own registration 30 min prior, but the ride is still on, regardless. I may ride in low temps on my own, you're welcome to join. I typically put on a few miles before, min 30 min before sunrise right @first light. If you want to join me, let me know. When on the official Ashburn RBC ride, at the launch site text me & I will check you in for club records remotely, if I am not riding.
Sign Liability Waiver
Reston Bicycle Club
P.O. Box 3389 Reston, VA