The key to this ride is being welcoming and inclusive. If you're a strong, fast rider, remember what it felt like when you weren't. We value every woman who wants to ride with us and work hard to find a place for each rider that works best for her. If we break into different groups, we'll need more ride leaders, so if you're one that wants to go a bit faster, ask us how to become a ride leader for that group.
This weekly women's ride launches from The Bike Lane in Reston (11150 Sunset Hills Rd #110, Reston, VA 20190) at 6pm on Monday evening. The ride will range from 18 to 25 miles and average 12-14mph. It will support “A” and “B” groups if there is a significant difference in speed preferences. Ride leaders are Cathy Miller, Laura Robinson, Mary Hill, Lori Allred, and Kelley Westenhoff. Rides are not held when the forecast for rain is greater than 50%. Ride cancellations will be posted on Social Media. If you are not comfortable riding on the roads, please contact one of us before you register for the ride.
Here is the route:
We are paper-free, which means you can download the route from RidewithGPS and print it before you come, but we will not have paper cue sheets to distribute at the ride. At this point in the season, the base ride will be the same each week.
Please, at a minimum, have a red blinking tail light on your bike for visibility. Low sun angles can obscure drivers' view of cyclists in the best of circumstances.
If you drive to the ride start, please park as far away from the building as possible. There are other organizations/businesses in that building whose patrons need access. Thank you!
All riders must sign (or have already signed for 2019) a liability waiver. You can do that HERE. The first ride with us is free. We welcome you to join us on subsequent rides as a member. Membership is $25 per year and you can take care of that HERE.
Sign Liability Waiver
Reston Bicycle Club
P.O. Box 3389 Reston, VA