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Thursday Herndon Rides Levels 1 - 6

  • 04/25/2019
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • 750 Center St, Herndon, VA 20170: Parking Lot


Registration is closed

Register as a Ride Leader if you can.
Sunset at 7:47. Lights on recommended at 6:47 PM

 Level  Route
 1 (22+ MPH) RBC-261A: (36.6)
 2 (20-21 MPH) RBC-205A: (28.4)
 3 (18-20 MPH) RBC-257: (25.1)
 4 (17-18 MPH) RBC-204: (24.5)
 5 (14-17 MPH) RBC-202: (23.2)
6 (12-14 MPH)  RBC-240: (15.6)

Current RBC members who have signed waivers are eligible to ride, as well as non-members who are riding with RBC for the first time. For first-timers (and members who haven't gotten around to it), go HERE to sign the waiver. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A CURRENT WAIVER ON FILE! Membership is $25 per year and covers everyone in your household. Join RBC or renew your RBC membership HERE.

Reston Bicycle Club 

 P.O. Box 3389  Reston, VA



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