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Reston Tuesday Rides Levels 1 - 6

  • 07/03/2018
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Hunters Woods Parking Lot in South Reston


Registration is closed

Review ride levels to determine your group choice.

Register as a ride leader if you can please.

Note: Club members and first time Non-Club members are welcome. 

All riders must sign (or have already signed for 2018) a liability waiver. You can do that HERE. The first ride with us is free. We welcome you to join us on subsequent rides as a member. Membership is $25 per year and you can take care of that HERE.

If you want to print a cue sheet, select "view full" and Print cue sheet
 Level  Route
 1 RBC-155 (38.0) 3 Stuart Mill Loops
 2 RBC-134 (37.7) Twin Branches +2 Hunter Station +2 Nat. Geo.
 3 RBC-127 (35.9) Steeplechase + 2 Stuart Mill Loops
RBC-126 (31.6) Twin Branches + 2 Stuart Mill Loops
RBC-115 (30.7) Soapstone Loop + 2 Stuart Mills Loops
 6 RBC- 110 (17) Twin Branches + Nat. Geo.

Reston Bicycle Club 

 P.O. Box 3389  Reston, VA



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