We don't even need a cue sheet for this ride! The map is attached here and here are the turn by turn directions:
1. Start on WOD going west.
2. Turn RIGHT on Smith's Switch.
3. Turn LEFT on Gloucester.
4. Turn RIGHT on Ashburn Village Road.
5. Turn RIGHT on Russell Branch, and follow it until it turns into Pacific. Ride into the WOD Parking lot at Pacific.
6. Turn LEFT on WOD and head back to Green Lizard
This is our last ride of the season. It's going to be short on miles, but REALLY FUN!!!
Would you like to be a part of the Reston Bike Club board? Spots are opening up as long-serving board members step down. If you would like more information about a board position, talk to Lisa or come to the next board meeting in October. Board members will be elected or appointed at the Reston Bike Club annual meeting and dinner in November.