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Saturday Impromptu Ride (Fall)

  • 10/10/2015
  • 10/31/2015
  • 4 sessions
  • 10/10/2015, 9:30 AM 11:30 AM (EDT)
  • 10/17/2015, 9:30 AM 11:30 AM (EDT)
  • 10/24/2015, 9:30 AM 11:30 AM (EDT)
  • 10/31/2015, 9:30 AM 11:30 AM (EDT)
  • Herndon Parking Lot by W&OD Trail


Registration is closed
Saturday Ride - Impromptu; No-Drop
Time:               9:30am (Oct/Mar)
Start Location:  Parking lot across from Herndon                                  caboose on W&OD

Description:  Various routes and length.

mpromptu-no drop.

   Level:           A, B, C
   Mileage:        50+ varies
A Leader:         John Hamilton, 703-593-9384
B Leader:         Randy Karn, 703-402-0227
C Leader:         Vincent Quinn,

Please note the addition of the "C" ride group.  This is a co-operative ride for older riders that miss riding in a pelation and new riders not used to riding in a group.  The ride is a NO Drop ride that follows the same route as the A and B rides.  Riders joining this group should be capable of a 15 to 17 MPH pace on flat roads but slowing somewhat on hills.

Reston Bicycle Club 

 P.O. Box 3389  Reston, VA



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