Sunset time today is 7:22pm. Red tail lights are required for this ride.
Ride predictably and be courteous to your fellow riders and look out for each other. That means calling out obstacles like road debris and gravel, making sure it is safe before crossing at intersections and riding as if you are responsible for the person behind you. Guard your front wheel - never overlap the rear wheel of the person ahead of you.
Please, come prepared with route loaded on your device or print a cue sheet.
Additional Rules
1. Normal safety items -- you must have a red taillight. It is a good idea to have a white light on the front of your bike (angled down on slow pulse), but not required.
2. If you must show up on a TT bike or Tri-bike, that is okay, but the aero-position is not allowed on our group rides.
3. Please, no earbuds. It is very important to be listening for safety call outs on our rides. Also, our rides are intended to be social when we are not hammering and it is hard to talk to the person next to you when you or they have something stuck in your/their ear. If you are using audible RWGPS cues, you may use an earbud in one ear only for navigation.
4. Snot Rockets. When you have to clear your nose be sure to move to the back of the peloton before you do.
We are paper-free, which means you can download the route from Ride with GPS and print it before you come, but we will not have paper cue sheets to distribute at the ride.
All riders must sign (or have already signed for 2021) a liability waiver. You can do that HERE. The first ride with us is free. We welcome you to join us on subsequent rides as a member. Membership is $25 per year and you can take care of that HERE.
Sign Liability Waiver
Reston Bicycle Club
P.O. Box 3389 Reston, VA