Hope to see many of you on one of the RBC Century rides this weekend! Monday's ride will be a recovery ride, and the Green Lizard is staying open late for us and other RBC members! Stay and hang out for a little post-century and post-ride party at the Green Lizard. Buy a beer and celebrate a successful spring and summer of riding!
By the way, we're not done yet! We will keep riding in September, but we'll be off for Labor Day.

Click HERE for Monday's route. There is a minor route change: Instead of following Hay all the way to Ashburn Road, we will make a left turn slightly before Ashburn, at Wild Meadow Court. From there, we will turn right onto a path that leads to the WOD, and take the WOD back to the Green Lizard. Many of you have done this route before, so you'll recognize this.
Don't worry about the rotating paceline this week. We don't really have any good places to practice on this route
Rotating Paceline notes:
Remember, the idea is to conserve energy and tighten gaps. No one should lead for very long, even though many of you like being in the lead and powering through. :) When you're good at this technique, you conserve a lot of energy and can ride faster. Our goal is just to understand the technique and see how paceline riding feels, so we will keep our same 15-16 mph pace unless the whole group feels like going faster.
Riders should be able to maintain the group's average pace of 15-16 mph. The fastest women ride 17-18 mph, and anyone is welcome to join them. They will have a slight head start from the Green Lizard. If anyone gets dropped from that group, just soft-pedal or pull over and wait for the rest of us. We're all riding the same route. If you want a shorter ride at a 15-16 mph pace, just turn around when the group leaves the WOD on the outbound ride. The ride leader will ask riders who have not been able to maintain the group's pace to drop from the group then because there are no shortcuts after that point and no safer drop location than the WOD. Don't feel bad if this happens to you! Nearly everyone has been dropped from some ride at some point, ride leader included. You will have a straight ride back to the Green Lizard, or can continue riding on your own, and you can join us again another time. Women who prefer a 12-14 mph pace and a shorter ride should join the women's ride from the Bike Lane in Reston.
Lights on required at Sunset (7:49 pm)
Please register before the ride - it helps us with our goal to be paper-free. You can still ride with us if you don't, but do your best to remember. Members can download the routes from RidewithGPS. Download the route for your own reference and for easier following.
Current RBC members who have signed waivers are eligible to ride, as well as non-members who are riding with RBC for the first time. For first-timers (and members who haven't gotten around to it), go HERE to sign the waiver. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A CURRENT WAIVER ON FILE! Membership is $25 per year and covers everyone in your household. Join RBC or renew your RBC membership HERE.